What is the connection between the Hospital in the Rock and the Castle District? Much more than the location of the Castle Hill caves inside of which the hospital was built out – the location is closely related to the history of the institution.

The underground facility was not threatened by airstrikes, so it was much safer than any other hospital in the city, but at the same time, the medical staff had to persevere in the midst of the fiercest attacks. This district is the one which was affected by the fights for the longest time during the siege of Budapest, from January 1945 it was the main focal point of military operations, air,-and artillery attacks in the area were constant. Finding place for the hundreds of wounded became impossible, the hospital was overcrowded, the staff had to save lives and at the same time deal with the problems of the lack of food, water and medical supplies in order to survive the long months of the siege.

The last territories kept by German-Hungarian troops in Budapest in 1945 February.

Educational poster made by the Civil Defense from the 1940’s.

Mária Daróczi (left) with her family on Tóth Árpád Promenade.

Verification of service issued by the Hospital in the Rock to Mária Daróczi.

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